Episode 05 – Black Matrix 00: Blind Listen 1 with Todd
Ed and Special Guest Todd Participate in the First Blind Listen VGM Soundtrack Episode: Black/ Matrix 00!
Ed and Special Guest Todd Participate in the First Blind Listen VGM Soundtrack Episode: Black/ Matrix 00!
The VGMbassy hits the ice with the admin of the VGM Podcast Fans Facebook group, Alex Messenger, exploring music from hockey games.
Ed explores the soundtrack of HyperZone for the SNES on his first solo show!
Chiptune artist Jredd, composer of The VGMbassy theme song, guest hosts episode 2!
Welcome to The VGMbassy! You’re listening to a brand new podcast celebrating video games, video game music, and the online community of fans who love them.
For the first time ever, Ed appears on-mic as representative of the VGMbassy, thanks