The last time Ed hung out with Rob and Pernell of the VGM podcast Rhythm & Pixels, The VGMbassy was just getting off the ground. He was thrilled to be invited back on for a show based around one of his favorite TV shows: Supernatural! The long-running CW program follows two brothers as they crisscross the USA, hunting demons, werewolves, and other creatures, and saving the world at least once per season. All of the VGM in this show was inspired by the themes in Supernatural, and there are some really excellent tunes because of it. Please check the show out and subscribe to it if you like what you hear!

Guest appearance VGM
Guest Appearance: Rhythm & Pixels Episode 16-2: Supernatural
Ed was thrilled to be invited back on Rhytm & Pixels for a show based around one of his favorite TV shows: Supernatural!
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